Your support helps to educate and empower youth to make healthier decisions. Our programs educate and raise awareness around important topics such as addiction and mental health. All funds go directly toward program development and youth engagement.

Thank you for your support!
Wait 21 is dedicated to fostering the growth of next-generation leaders. Our Wait 21 Advocates are educating their family, friends, and community on the science of addiction. Donate today and help empower our youth to make healthier choices and reduce their risk for addiction. All donations go directly to supporting the Youth and Wait 21 Campaign.
Why your donation matters:
- 1:4 is the Risk of Developing an Addiction if a youth smokes, drinks, or uses before the age of 18.
- 1:25 is the Risk of Developing an Addiction if a youth smokes, drinks, or uses before the age of 21.
- 90% of those with an addiction today started using before the age of 18.
- Help reduce the risk for addiction in our youth by encouraging them to Wait 21.
*Donations are directed to Wait 21 through New Way Recovery, Inc. a 501c3 non-profit. Your donation is tax-deductable.